■ Business Reporter :
UNION Minister of Coal and
Mines G Kishan Reddy, recently visited the Modern Mineral
Processing Laboratory of
IndianBureau ofMines (IBM),
Nagpur. The Union Minister
was welcomed by Sanjay
Lohiya, Additional Secretary,
Ministry of Mines and
Controller General, IBM.
On the occasion, the Union
Ministerinaugurated thestateof-the-art facilities including
Field Emission Scanning
Electron Microscope (FESM),
DigitalX-RayDiffraction (XRD)
machine, Pot Grate Sintering
Equipment, Fire Assay facility,
Proximate Analyser, and Air
Pulsated Immersion Control
Jig.Pankaj Kulshrestha,CCO Mwas also present.
Lohiya explained to theUnion Minister about the roleofmineralprocessingindeveloping different process routesfor various minerals which inturn is crucial for the development of different mineral
resources for the nation. Dr DR Kanungo, Director (OD)-inCharge briefed the UnionMinisterabout the facilites andthe service rendering to themineral industry.
TheUnionMinister took theoverview of the facilities available and the ongoing projectsandappreciated theworkdonebyMMPL andPP, IBM,Nagpur.