“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”
- Lao Tzu
Every human mind has a very different yet unique way of functioning. Every single decision that is taken by a human mind is different from the other decisions which are being taken- being genuine or not is a completely different thing aspect. We often try to complicate things by either criticising ourselves too much or by thinking way lot moe than required. That is when we make room for confusion and doubts. It is us who is responsible for all the chaos that gets created in our heads.
Even though we let problems arise, the universe has its own way of handling every single thing we do. Not even a tiny mistake of ours remains unnoticed, each action is watched. It is understood that the human tendency is to see more negative as compared to the positive. We human has the silly habit of blaming situations rather that appreciating the good that comes out of the same.
If we can be sad about the tiniest of an issues, then why can’t we be happy about the smallest of a good things happening around us?
A Stoic philosopher named Marcus Aurelius, in his truest beliefs, quoted, “You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realise this, and you will find strength.”
Expecting the events happening around you to be in your favour is something which is not just irrational but rather foolish.
Having faith in your actions and leaving the rest on the universe is how the cycle of life works in its healthiest manner.
And the universe has its own ways of answering. It can be in the form of a book you are reading, or a friend or some imagery you come across in day-to-day life.
For me is has always been in the form of a mentor I have around who is guiding me for something and that is when my questions are answered every single time. Having faith in oneself is a good way of living. But coming true to he faith and belief others have in you is how the universe is answering your questions.
Stay focused on your dreams. See them getting converted into goals and then into achievements. The universe has its own way of answering, for me it is in the form of a person. For you too the answers may be right there in front of you but you are just mot looking. Unleash your soul and let is find for you an answer to every question in your mind. Rest assured that the universe answers and that to in its own beautiful ways.
By Hetvi Patel