mong different types of
Yoga, HathaYoga is a
prominent one. The
word Hatha consists of two letters- H and Th. The letter H
indicates the solar energy
channel of the body and Th is
indicative of the lunar energy
channel. According to the
HathaYogic concept, there are
seventy two thousand Nadis or
energy channels in the human
body. Out of them three Nadis
or energy channels are prominent- Ida or lunar, Pingala or
solar and Sushumna or harmonious state when both lunar
and solar channels are synchronised.
When we study modern
human anatomy and physiology, we find that there are cooling and heating systems in the
human body. Broadly speaking, the parasympathetic
nervous system is the
cooling system of
the body. It is
for rest,
digestion and relaxation.
the other hand,the sympathetic nervous system is the
heating mechanism of the
body. It keeps the body in fight
or flight mode. When both the
systems work in perfect harmony, the body is in a state of
homeostasis. Faulty functioning of these two systems causes psychosomatic diseases. If
the parasympathetic nervous
system is overactive, it causes
depression. On the contrary,
overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system is
responsible for stress and restlessness. Ancient seers of Yoga
had propounded thatabalanced state of lunar and solar
channels of the body is sine qua
non for physical and mental
health. Going one step further
they have found that our
breathing mechanism controls
these energy channels in a
very effective way.
The science
of breath is called Swara Yoga
in the Indian tradition.
According to the postulates of
Swara Yoga the dominance of
left and right nostrils keeps on
changing every 90 to 130
minutes. If this cycle is disturbed, it leads to numerous
diseases. Hence, Pranayama or
breathing exercise is prescribed to keep both the channels in harmony. Anuloma and
Viloma Pranayama or breathing technique is the best way
to balance and harmonise the
cooling and heating systems of the
and Swara Yoga suggest different types of Pranayamas or
breathing exercises to correct
different types of ailments. If
the mood is very low and one
is feeling depressed, the solar
channel of the body needs to
be activated. In this process,
the left nostril is closed and
inhalation and exhalation are
done through the right nostril.
By doing so heat is generated
into the body and one becomes
On the other hand left
nostril breathing is practised to
activate the lunar channel of
the body to calm it down. It
seems that dominant right
nostril breathing is associated
with the sympathetic nervous
system, while left nostril dominance is related to the activation of the parasympathetic
nervous system.
Breath is called Prana or
moving energy in Yoga. By
manipulating breath , the
mind is controlled and different vital functions of the body
can be impacted in a positive
way. Slow, rhythmic, balanced
and smooth breath is the sigh
of a healthy person. It is the
observance of medical science
also that onset of any disease
first disturbes the breathing
patterns of the concerned.
(The writer is Former DG
Police & CG, Homeguards,
Maharashtra) ■