Since beginning Indian
seers have visualised the
concept of PANCHA
MAHABHUTAS or five elements. They are the earth,
water, fire, air and space. The
earth element is the grossest
one. It has five attributes:
smell, taste, touch, sight and
sound. Subtler than the earth
is the water element. It is composed of four attributes: taste,
touch, sight and sound. Smell
is absent in the water because
water has no smell of itself.
The third element is fire which
has three attributes: touch ,
sound and sight. The air element is subtler than fire. It has
only two attributes: touch and
sound. The subtlest element is
space and it has only one
attribute: sound.
Indian philosophers have
propounded that the entire
universe is constituted of
these five elements. Human
body is a part of the universe.
So it is also made of these five
elements. As per the belief of
the Indian philosophical systems, the human body keeps
on interacting with the universe on both the gross and
subtle levels. This interaction
has a deep and far reaching
impact on the human body. So
the health of the body is intricately associated with its
interplay with the universe
and these five elements.
This is the reason that there
are numerous hymns where
the Indian seers have prayed
for the well being of the entire
universe. The SHANTI
MANTRA is the hymn where
the prayer is offered for the
peace in the whole universe.
The Indian seers were clever
enough to understand that
any damage to these elements,
specifically earth, water and
vegetation would bring devastation to the creation. The
looming large danger of climate change is the outcome of
the widespread damage
caused to the environment.
The science of medicine
which originated in the Indian
subcontinent also operates on
the concept of these five elements. According to the
Ayurveda physical or mental
diseases are caused by the
disharmony of these elements
in the body. So all medicines
are supposed to correct the
imbalance of these elements.
Naturopathy is directed
towards restoring health by
exposing the human body to
earth, water, vegetation, etc.
Mud bath, hydrotherapy, heat
exposure, cold therapy, forest
bathing therapy, etc are all
based upon the broad concept
of these five elements.
Different Yoga postures,
Pranayamas or breathing exercises, Mudras or Yogic gestures
and Bandhas or Yogic locks are
supposed to correct the imbalance in the flow of bio energy
based upon these elements.
Yoga Mudras have been given
utmost importance in the system of Hatha Yoga. There are
many Yogic gestures which
are performed by the combinations of different fingers of
the hands. The thumb is the
symbol of the fire element.
The index finger is associated
with the air element. The
space element is indicated by
the middle finger. The ring finger is called the sign of the
earth. The little finger is the
mark of the water element.
Different Mudras are believed
to be beneficial in activating
different elements in the body
and correcting the energy
flow. Finger acupressure therapy also works on the same
(The writer is Former DG
Police & CG, Homeguards,