‘Destruction of forests, uncontrolled pollution increased carbon emissions’
   Date :12-Jul-2024

Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav
 Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav helping the little child to plant a sapling on Thursday.
Staff Reporter :
Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav planting a Rudraksha saplings inaugurated the state-level program by releasing balloons in the sky. At the same time, 1.25 lakh saplings were \planted simultaneously in the police units of the entire State. CM Yadav speaking at the ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ campaign organised at the 25th Battalion of Bhopal said that destruction of forests and uncontrolled pollution have increased carbon emissions, which can be compensated only by planting trees. CM lauded the police functioning in the anti-Naxal campaign and the sensitivity of the police in maintaining law and order in the entire State. He further said that “the target of the State is to plant 5.51 crore saplings in the entire State.
This is an attempt to awaken social consciousness towards environmental protection. Plantation is priority for the State Police, which shows their sensitivity towards the environment”. Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav has said that ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ campaign initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Environment Day has taken the form of a public campaign in the entire country. He added that it is encouraging to see that along with the police personnel, their families are also considering tree plantation as their responsibility. Dr Yadav stressed that Prime Minister Modi has added a human and personal touch to the campaign by linking the plantations with mothers. “Planting a tree in the name of mothers is a tribute to Indian culture. As per Prime Minister Modi’s call, we have to plant the sapling and take care of it till it grows five feet tall”, CM said. Director General of Police Sudhir Saxena said that the ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam Abhiyaan’ organised by the MP Police in all the its units will help in environmental protection by bringing the police personnel and their families closer to nature. “Along with protecting the earth, it is also our responsibility to nourish the earth by planting trees”, he added.