Govt’s NRLM Bihan scheme helps Pushpa Yadav in becoming Lakhpati Didi
   Date :15-Jul-2024

Govts NRLM Bihan scheme helps
Staff Reporter
Pushpa, who once found it challenging to drive a scooty, has now mastered flying drones to spray pesticides in the fields 
Pushpa Yadav, a woman from Gullu village in Arang, has turned her dreams into reality, becoming a Lakhpati Didi through sheer determination and the support of the central Government’s NRLM Bihan scheme. Pushpa, who once found it challenging to drive a scooty, has now mastered flying drones to spray pesticides in the fields. Pushpa shared her journey, recalling a time when she was confined to household chores and couldn’t imagine herself doing anything beyond that. Her selection for drone training marked a significant turning point.
“It was a big opportunity for me. I could not imagine that I would be able to do such a job, but after training, I am now trained to fly a drone,” she says. After completing 20 days of training in April, Pushpa began her work, spraying pesticides on crops in the villages. Earning Rs 300 per acre, she has accumulated an income of Rs 26,000 in just one and a half months. Pushpa is also a woman farmer, earning her livelihood through farming and animal husbandry. With her additional role as a drone pilot under the Bihan Yojana, supported by IFFCO, she now serves as a service provider to rural farmers.
Pushpa’s combined efforts in farming, animal husbandry, and drone piloting have boosted her annual income to more than Rs 1.5 lakh. She credits the scheme for its effectiveness in empowering rural women and helping many like her achieve the status of Lakhpati Didi. “This scheme is effective for rural women and the dream of many poor women like me to become Lakhpati Didi is also coming true,” she says, reflecting on her inspiring journey.