A collective indifference
   Date :20-Jul-2024

Red-flagging Traffic Jams
By Srinivasan Umashankar :
This is with references to ‘Red-flagging Traffic Jams’ series published in the CityLine editions. The relentless efforts by The Hitavada to highlight certain critical aspects concerning the society thereby also drawing the attention of authorities concerned seeking for immediate actions, is appreciable. It is observed in recent times that owing to a variety of reasons there has been a sudden spurt in traffic movements across the city and the management of traffic appears to have become a big challenge for the authorities concerned. Chaos, confusions, and traffic jams are now becoming a common occurrence on the city roads and a question that instantly comes to our mind is whether the situation is really running out of control.
The blame does not entirely lie on the authorities. The citizens are also almost to a far extent responsible for mindlessly and blatantly violating the safety norms and by throwing them into the dust culminating into present unruly situations. Sounding horns (jarring) needlessly and irritatingly even when the traffic is moving, instances of over speeding/rash driving during the non-peak hours with total disregard to signals/laid down rules thereby also putting others into peril and not carrying out the due emission check at periodical intervals that can cause a serious health hazard must also be looked into very seriously. Switching off the vehicle’s engine at signal posts that requires waiting for a bit more duration because of heavy traffic, to reduce emissions can also be considered. Stray cattle right in the middle of the road obstructing the traffic movement is also noticed on a few occasions at certain main locations. Some bad patches and potholes in the road surface also cannot be ignored.
Towards ensuring fuel conservation and improving fuel efficiency particularly while riding on highways; it is also necessary to maintain a steady speed, which can help to reduce unnecessary acceleration and braking. While authorities concerned must intensify the actions by working in tandem with each other to ensure proper upkeep of infrastructure, initiate appropriate rectifications wherever necessary, and manage the traffic affairs in an orderly manner; development/ repairing of roads must be carried out simultaneously in an expeditious way to cause minimal hardships to the people. Stringent penalties must be imposed on the erring ones to avoid such recurrence in the future. It is essentially a matter of attitude. Self-imposed discipline is the need of the hour.