Ranbir bags State bronze
   Date :24-Jul-2024

Ranbir bags
Sports Reporter ;
RANBIR Gour won a bronze medal in the Maharashtra State 50th Junior Aquatic Championship that was organised by the Swimming Federation of India. The championship was held at the Deccan Gymkhana in Pune. A regular member of Gallantry Swimming Club, Ranbir won the medal in 100m butterfly participating in the Under-14 age group. He regularly trains at NIT Swimming Pool, Ambazari Road under the watchful eyes of coaches Nishant Raut and Vilas Solanki. Ranbir is a class IX student of Podar International School, Besa and also does his fitness training at Reshimbag ground under Ravindra Tong. Ranbir gives the credit of his success to his parents. Director of Midland Sports Prashant Ugemuge, Vice-President Priti Lanjekar and Operational Manager Ashwin Janbandhu congratulated Ranbir.