Date :03-Aug-2024

time and tide
ALREADY facing flak for s e v e r a l organisational issues, the Paris Olympics exploded with a furious row over gender eligibility rules after Algerian boxer Imane Khelif defeated Italy’s Angela Carini in just 46 seconds in the women’s category. Khelif has been permitted to compete in the women’s category despite having male genetic characteristics. The Algerian pugilist was disqualified last year at the World Championships for elevated testosterone levels.Yet, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) allowed Khelif to compete in Paris.
The sight of an inconsolable Carini and her refusal to shake hands with Khelif has fuelled a raging gender debate. The IOC is being panned by fans, celebrities and even politicians who have questioned the logic behind allowing an athlete with male attributes to compete against women. Many are calling it as a pathetic leaning of the IOC towards woke liberalism though the world body is taking refuge in its eligibility rules which say the athlete in question “is a woman in her passport and has stated that she is a female”. There cannot be a lamer explanation than this statement by the IOC. This poor excuse now raises serious questions about competitive fairness and athletes’ safety in Paris.
BANGLADESH imposing a ban on Jamaat-e - Islami, its students wing Islami Chhatra Shibir, and other‘associated groups’ was expected for some time. A large number of Bangladeshis have not forgotten that Jamaat-eIslami had sided with Pakistani troops and not with Bangladeshi people during the LiberationWar of 1971. Jamaat-e-Islami has often been accused of misusing religion for political purposes. Trapped in history, its members and associated groups have become anarchists. The present ban on these outfits comes after the nationwide unrest over quota system for Government jobs. What is being referred to as‘unrest’ was actually an organised effort to foment trouble in the riverine country. The latest trouble is another episode in the recent history of rise in fundamentalism and terrorism in Bangladesh. The fundamentalists have perpetrated violent attacks against the minority there . Now, fundamentalists have become more organised and active in deriding the history of creation of Bangladesh. Government there will have to keep a close eye on these anarchists, as they can become foot-soldiers for forces inimical to Bangladesh’s interests.