PatanjalYoga Sutras -III
   Date :22-Sep-2024

patanjalis g
The third chapter of PatanjalYoga Sutras is called Vibhuti Pada. The word Vibhuti means special powers or endowments. The chapter contains fifty five Sutras or aphorisms. Patanjali deals with the extraordinary faculties and abilities which are achieved through very long, sustained and devoted practice of Yoga. This chapter is scientific as well as para scientific. Patanjali has enumerated about fifty five such Vibhutis or special powers of Yogic practice. Most of the special powers are the miraculous mental capabilities produced through very high levels of concentration. Other Vibhutis which Patanjali has mentioned are transcendental in nature and compare to the world of Quantum Physics where normal laws do not operate. The chapter begins with the definition of Dharana.
Dharana is concentration. When the attention is fixed upon some object, it is called Dharana
(3:1). The sustained ,long and unbroken attention or concentration is called Dhyana or meditation by Patanjali (3:2). Concentration matures into meditation. The highest level of meditative state is called Samadhi by Patanjali(3:3). Samadhi is that state of focus where the object of meditation becomes formless and exits only in its essence. It is a mysterious state of our consciousness. Samadhi is of two types. The first is Sabija or with the traces and impressions of worldly experiences. The ultimate Samadhi is called Nirbija where there is no thought or mind at all. It is the transcendental state of consciousness. All the three stages of awareness, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi have been called collectively as Samyama by Patanjali (3:4).The word Samyama means control. The control over the mind and awareness throughYoga leads to manifestation of extraordinary capabilities.Success in any walk of life is the result of focus. More concentration, more success. This is based upon the Law of the Conservation of Energy . Concentrated sun rays acquire burning power. Similarly, a highly focused mind becomes penetrative and gives miraculous results. In his world famous book the Autobiography Of AYogi, ParamahansaYogananda mentions so many miraculous powers gained throughYogic practices of concentration and meditation.
The great Yogi, Swami Ram is known for his extraordinary control over his breath and other neurobiological systems through the power of Yoga. These are all well chronicled by Elmer Green and Alice Christensen who were disciples of Swami Ram who spent many years in Honesdale, America and established the Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy. Even in the fields of science we see miraculous inventions and discoveries as a result of long and sustained concentration of the mind. Archemedes was focussing on how to find the purity of the gold of the crown of the Greek king for a long time and the sustained focus led to the discovery of the Theory of Buoyancy. The same is true with Newton who discovered the gravitational force of the earth by focusing his mind over the subject for a long time. Kelule of Germany found the Benzene Theory in the same way by way of unwavering focus and attention. World class athletes perform the stupendous feats by the extraordinary focus which they achieve through hard training and practice. This scientific fact has been beautifully brought out by Patanjali in this chapter. (The writer is Former DG Police & CG, Homeguards, Maharashtra)