General insurance workers stage protest against 100% FDI in insurance sector
   Date :05-Feb-2025

Public sector general insurance employees at lunch hour meeting
 Public sector general insurance employees at lunch hour meeting
Business Reporter ;
The public sector general insurance (PSGI) employees gathered in front of Regional Office of National Insurance Company Limited, situated at Fidwi Tower, Mount Road, Sadar, to register their protest against the proposal of 100% FDI in insurance sector, on February 4. The aggrieved employees shouted slogans and demanded the Government to roll back the said proposal. Insurance workers from all over the country also conducted lunch hour demonstrations against the Government’s proposal to allow 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the insurance sector, recently declared by the Finance Minister in her Budget speech. In Nagpur, after the demonstrations a gate meeting was organised.
In the meeting, Rajendra Saroj of National Insurance Company Officers Association said, “We are registering our strong protest so that the Govt should not feel that employees are calm over the proposal.” He appealed to all the PSGI employees to unite and fight together to save PSGI companies . Prashant Dixit, General Secretary, General Insurance Employees Union, Western Zone said that the decision of Government to allow 100% FDI in the insurance sector will not only affect PSGI companies, but it will affect private players too. Rohit Shivhare conducted the meeting. Omkar Shende, Liladhar Nimje, Prajwlit Satpute, Sumedh Gaikwad, Prasad Pokle, Pravin Kakade, Shital Bhople, Eshan Baranga and Yogesh Junghare have taken efforts for success of demonstrations.