By Kaushik Bhattacharya ;
- GRC received 45 leopard and only 2 released between 2015 and 2024
- 62-80 big wild animals died in last nine years in the Rescue Centre
Gorewada Rescue Centre (GRC), the only shelter for rescued wild animals in Maharashtra, received more than 47 tigers in last nine years but only 3 tigers were released in the wild from the centre, revealed a data provided by GRC here on Thursday.
In the wake of man-animal conflict in the State, the number of rescued big cats also increased drastically in last few years. Like tigers, GRC also received at least 45 leopards between 2015 and 2024 in which only two leopards were released in their natural habitat. As per the data provided, the rescue centre received a total of 333 small and big wild animals during this period in which 75 were shifted to other zoological parks in the country and 192 were released in their natural habitat.
Whereas the count to release big cats into the wild is very less. When asked about the reason behind the less number, a senior official said, “Normally, the centre receives injured or conflict animals. The injured animal is mostly shifted to zoos after treatment or resides in the centre. Whereas, conflict animals mostly stay in the centre as it is risky for humans to release such animals in wild.”
Therefore, before releasing problem tigers or leopards, the Forest Department conducts proper behavioural study of the animal and also finds a separate and safe forest area to release it without any problem, the officer informed ‘The Hitavada’.
The data provided by GRC excluded the number of big cats that died in the centre due to injury or disease in the last nine years. However, as per the information received, the death count of big animals which included tigers, leopards, sloth bears and
leopards, sloth bears and herbivorous are somewhere between 62-80 during this nine year span.
GRC recently witnessed three tigers and one leopard deaths due to bird flu. “Normally, the death of big animals takes place due to injury or any disease and most of the deaths in GRC happened due to these reasons only,” informed Shatnik Bhagwat, Gorewada Zoo Director.
While asked Bhagwat about the released of big cats in the wild, he said, “All the three tigers and two leopards of the centre were released in recent time. Two sub-adult tigers were released in Pench Tiger Reserve (PTR) and the third one T-53 tiger was also released in the same tiger reserve. Whereas, both leopards were released in Amravati forest
GRC received 12 sloth bears in last nine years in which 12 were shifted to different zoos and two are still residing in the centre. Whereas no sloth bear has been released in wild till date, revealed the data.
A committee headed by Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (Protection) decides the fate of ‘captured wild animals’ in the State. The committee, so far in last nine years, decided to release 192 wild animals in the wild in which only three were tigers and two were leopards.
Currently, there are 66 wild animals residing in GRC in which 14 are tigers, 26 are leopards, 2 sloth bears and remaining are herbivorous and small wild animals. GRC is procuring 40 new cages, including 20 for tigers and 20 for leopards, in its premises soon. “Currently, we have 60 cages for big cats in which 40 are occupied. Additional 40 cages are coming soon as the tendering process has already completed and by year-end, we will get these cages to accommodate more big cats,” informed Bhagwat.