Business Reporter
A Real Jewellery
Exhibition by the
Fashionista will
open its doors for
the visitors on
March 22. the
two-day exhibitionwillbeheldat
Hotel Centre
P o int,
Ramdaspeth on
the March 22 and
23 between 11 am and 8 pm. On
popular demand, the organisers
areconducting theeagerlyawaited second edition of the expo.
Jeweluxpromises toprovidean
unmatched experience for jewellery enthusiasts, featuring a
carefullycuratedselectionofdiamond, gold, silver and gemstone
ornaments crafted by leading
names in the industry, with
Sohum Creations from Mumbai
as the gold sponsor.
The event will showcase talented jewellery
designers from
Mumbai, Pune,
Hyderabad, Surat,
Bangalore, Jaipur,
Chennai, Nagpur
other places.
to share that
Fashionista was
recognised as the
‘Ace of B-cities’ for
conducting exhibitions in the
in the Exhibitions Excellence
Awards2024.Itisamong themost
prestigious honors for an exhibitioncompanyinIndia.With free
entry for esteemed visitors,
Jewelux offers a unique opportunity to meet and shop from
someof thefinestjewellers,”said
the organisers