By Kunal Badge
THE city has become a tale of
a siege-like situationwith acurfewimposedinareasaround the
riot-hit Mahal since March 17,
while citizens in the rest of the
cityenjoyanormallifelikenothing has happened. The citizens
of Mahal and the nearby area
living under siege are facing a
lockdown-like situation even
after 48 incident-free hours,
making them wonder, Why are
they the ones who have to live
like this? How come citizens in
the rest of the city are living a
peacefullifewithout fearof violence and any restrictions?
Citizens in the area are growing more frustrated with the
curfewbeing extendedwithout
sign of its end. This too, when
other parts of the city have no
restrictions whatsoever.Abird
flyingup abovein the skywould
be able to seeaclear demarcationbetweenabustlingcity and
a deserted riot-hit area.
Bhushan Jhakkanwar,alocal
youth, spoke to 'The Hitavada’
near Ram Cooler in Mahal and
expressedhis angerover the situation.
He said, “It's hard to
understand thecurfewinasmall
part of the city for fear of violence when the rest of the city
is functioning freely.Anti-social
elements who want to create
disturbance can very easily do
it at any partin the city.”He also
added that Mahal, Gandhibag,
and Ganeshpeth have been
peaceful localities before this
Similar sentiments were
echoed by Ubed Khan, a techie
who works remotely from his
residence in Mahal. He said,
“The riots have spoilt the festive mood of the holy month of
‘Ramadan’, and it's not fruitful
for any community. The bone
of contention of this issue, the
Tomb of Aurangzeb, is not in or
near the city, and still the violence and disturbance in harmony of the citizens over its
removal are not beneficial for
anyone.Itwilljustbenefit those
desiring to spread hatred in the
hearts of the society.”
The citizens in the area didn’t even get the benefit ofrelaxation from the curfew that was
given in many other areas on
The citizens had to
run toshops faraway toget even
asmallitem,as thenearbyshops
has becomea point ofirritation
for the citizens.
The locals are also suffering
loss in their businesses. The
Mahal area is amainmarket for
invitationcards.Oneshopowner shared that many customers
who had placed the order are
cancelling the order and asking
for theirmoneyback.Thecaterers in the area who had huge
orders have suffered losses due
to the cancellation of their
As the days pass with no
clear end to the curfew, frustration anduncertaintycontinue to growamong the residents
of Mahal and its surrounding
areas. While the rest of the city
moves forward unaffected,
those living under restrictions
are left grappling with daily
hardships andalingering sense
now remains:will thesecitizens
be able to return to normalcy
once the curfew is lifted, or will
the scars of violence and
imposedrestrictionsleavealasting impact on their lives and