THE Uttar Pradesh Police has identified the killers of Hindu leader Kamlesh Tiwari. Uttar Pradesh DGP OP Singh said that the police had seized blood-stained saffron kurtas and a towel used by the assailants from a room at Hotel Khalsa Inn in Naka Hindola area, where the assailants had stayed. A bag with a shaving kit and mobile phone has also been recovered.
The assailants, Moinuddin Pathan and Ashfaq Hussain, had checked into the hotel at 10 p.m. on October 18 using their original IDs and checked out the same day at 1.30 p.m., an hour after killing Tiwari. “We are sending the kurtas and the towel for forensic examination to ascertain whether the blood on the clothes is of Kamlesh Tiwari. The SIT is interrogating the hotel staff,” the DGP told reporters.
According to investigating officials, the assailants had come to Lucknow from Kanpur by road on Thursday and left the State capital the next day. Their location was traced to Hardoi, Bareilly, then Ghaziabad on the same day. The DGP said that it was clear that the assailants did not wish to hide their identities and left clues all along. “They brought sweets from Surat and left the bill with it which helped us trace them through the CCTV footage of the sweet shop,” he said.