Crime rate: Nagpur 7th in country, 1st in State
Crime rate: Nagpur 7th in country, 1st in State
By Dheeraj Fartode :
Nagpur records 692.1 crime rate as against 317.5 of Mumbai and 379.6 of Pune
NATIONAL Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) statistics for the year 2017 ranked Nagpur seventh in crime rate among 19 metro politan cities ofIndia and firstinthe State. The ranking is for cases registered under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Special and Local Laws (SLL) category.Most shocking fact is - Nagpur is ranked third in violent crimes across the country and again tops the list in Maharashtra. The statistics is a commentary on the law and order situation in the city, where frustration among populace about lack of adequate opportunities seems to play a majorrole in youth taking to crime to further their dreams. The crime rate describes the number of crimes reported to law enforcement agencies per 1,00,000 total population.A crime rate is calculated by dividing the number of reported crimes by the total population; the result is multiplied by 1,00,000. The NCRB chart shows 25 lakh population of Nagpur,1.84crore .5 population of Pune city. A study of NCRB’s Crime Statistic released on Tuesday reveals that Nagpur recorded 17,288 IPC and SLL crimes in year 2017, averaging 692.1 crime rate. While Mumbai city recorded 58,456 IPC and SLL crimes with crime rate of 317.5, Pune recorded 19,172 crimes with crime rate of 379.6. A police official said that the SLL category pertains to preventive measures and enforcement of social legislation.
Crimes under the Gambling Act, Information and Technology Act, Electricity Act, Arms Act andWildlife Act are included under this category. Nagpur recorded 1,507 violent crime cases in year 2017 with 60.3 violent crime rate. Mumbai recorded 5,431 violent crimes with 29.3 violent crime rate and Pune shows 2,470 cases with 48.9 violent crime rate. After Delhi (71.6) and Lucknow (66.9), Nagpur is ranked third in the country based on the rate of violent crime reported by NCRB. Under the IPC crime category, the city has recorded a total of 85 murders in 2017.
The number of murder is much lesser than Pune, which has recorded 110 murders, and Mumbai with 127. But murder rate of Nagpur (3.4) is much greater than Mumbai (0.7) and Pune (2.2) as population base of latter two cities is much bigger compared to city. In terms of per lakh population the crime rate indicates pretty ruthlessness among citizens in otherwise peaceful atmosphere in second capital of State.
Crime against children NAGPUR recorded 725 cases of crime against children as against 693 reported in 2016 and 2015. This trends indicates growth in crime against children in the city. But the second capital of State is far behind Mumbai and Pune in crime against children. Mumbai city had recorded 3,790 such cases with 19.4 crime rate while Pune recorded 1,335 cases with 6.8 crime rate. However, crime rate in such cases recorded by Nagpur police is 3.7.
City ranks seventh in crime against women NAGPUR ranks seventh in crimes against women (IPC and SLL)with1,152 cases registered in year 2017 with 94.3 crime rate. The data reveals that crime against woman is declining in the city ascityrecorded 1,312cases in year 2015 which increased to 1,379 in year 2016 and declined to 1,152 in year 2017. Mumbai recorded 5,433 such cases with 64.0 crime rate while Pune recorded 2,032 cases with 85.0 crime rate. That wayfromwomen’spointofviewNagpur offers much safer place for living.
Drop in crime against senior citizens THEcity ranks eighth in terms of crime against senior citizens and third after Mumbai and Pune in Maharashtra. A total of 121 cases were registered in year 2017 in city. Mumbai leads the list in Maharashtra with massive1,115 incidents with 29.9 crime rate, followed by 178 cases in Pune with 4.8 crime rate. Nagpurhadrecorded177crimeagainst senior citizens in 2015 which surged to 191 in 2016 and dipped to 121 in 2017. However,Nagpur had recorded more murdersofseniorcitizensascompared to Mumbai and Pune.Atotal of nine senior citizens were killed in city in 2017 as against eight in Mumbai and just three in Pune.
Error in NCRB’s data ? THE statistics for year 2017 published by NCRB may have some data glitch about Nagpur. This is so as IPC and SLL crime has suddenly dropped to 17,288 in year 2017 from whopping 42,866 recorded in the year 2016 and 33,133 in year 2015. Experts on the issue said that this could happen due to wrongful compilation of data by NCRB or erroneous data sent by City police to NCRB. How else can one explain the reason for wiping out of almost one third of crime in city, as on ground the reality is quite different.