@@INCLUDE-HTTPS-REDIRECT-METATAG@@ New RoB construction at Khapri remains stalled even as CR’s fresh deadline ends

New RoB construction at Khapri remains stalled even as CR’s fresh deadline ends

 (left)Half-way Through: A view of deserted site at Khapri where RoB widening work is stalled in absence of labourers (Pics by Anil Futane) (right) Dangerous Drive: Delay in construction of second approach at Khapri RoB means a daily risk for commuters on existing bridge.
By Sagar Mohod :
CONSTRUCTION of new railway overbridge (RoB) at Khapri remains stalled even as fresh deadline provided by Central Railway to complete launching of girder s over tracks hasended.Central Railway’s Nagpur Division had communicated to contractor engaged by National Highway Authority ofIndia (NHAI) Ltd. to wrap-up launching work before onset of peak period for movement of goods trains. They had set dead line of October 15 stating after that providing block to place the pre-stressed concrete girders forRoB would become difficult. A visitto the work site on Wardha Road revealed that at present no activity is on to finish RoB’s construction at the earliest.It was a deafening silence on the construction site even as vehicles criss crossed dangerously on adjoiningt wol anes oftheRoB.The new RoB was mooted as part of widening to handle the traffic pressure.
 (left) Idle Site: Construction material lying at Khapri site awaiting restarting of work (right) Partial earthwork embankment of the widened portion of Khapri RoB indicating that lot of ground remains to be covered.
Knowing well that with onset of peak traffic period, it would be difficult to grant block, railway officials prodded NHAI and the contractor,DP Jain and Co Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd & Khalatkar Construction (JV) to speed-up the construction and take steps to launch girders across the tracks. Apart from periodcor respondence, railwayofficialsalsosentreminders but nothing happened, said the sources. The extended monsoon stalled plans tocarry out any construction work as work site was not approachable. Now with onset of Diwali the labourers have gone to their native places.The labour force would come back post Diwali and then only the work is expected to gain pace. Now five girders across railway tracks needed to be launched along with ten others on either side of the ramp.
Each of the girders weighs 70 tonne and launching work across railway network is the most difficult task. This work alone would take-up almost two months period as lot of patience is needed while executing the task owing to presence of railway assets and very narrow space for launching the heavy concrete structures.
There after rest of the girders, five on each of the side, would be placed on the pillars. The railway portion of bridge is about 60 metres and section below is one of the busiest of Indian Railways. For lifting girders in non railway land which is about 35 to 40 metres lesser time period would be needed, about 10 to 15-days only, said the sources. In effect nearly three more months would be required to wrap-up the construction and dedicate the RoB to nation.
After launch of girders a concrete road, a slab would be casted for carriageway to allow movement of vehicles. This work will also require curing for which nearly 28 days period would be needed. The work on Khapri RoB widening project started in March 2017 and two years period was granted to JV company. A major delay was on part of Railways that changed the rules regarding certification of construction process over tracks, said Abhijit Jichkar, Project Director, NHAI.
He told The Hitavada that work is likely to be completed within next two months. By December end Khapri RoB should open for road traffic. Railways at last moment insisted on third party clearances and there after negotiations over cost took up considerable time. Due to incessant rains crane operations at the site where girders were pre-cast was not accessible and hence the work of launching them over railway tracks was held-up, Jichkar disclosed further.