Devendra Nagar residents to move HC against illegal structure along expressway
   Date :10-Mar-2019


Staff Reporter,


Chhattisgarh Road Development Corporation (CGRDC) is in soup as the Devendra Nagar Residents’ Association is preparing to approach the High Court with a petition for demolition of encroachment on the land marked for road in Devendra Nagar.  Devendra Nagar Residents’ Association Vice President Dinesh Sharma told The Hitavada that Raipur Development Authority (RDA) had developed Devendra Nagar in five sectors. The sector 3 and 1 had a 60 feet wide road as shown in the maps at the time of registry.

As the Government planned the construction of an expressway by replacing the old Raipur-Dhamtari narrow gauge railway track, contract was awarded to CGRDC. Expressway was built on the railway land, but some extra structures such as drainage line and fencing stretched so far as it encroached close to 35 feet of road shown in the registry papers of residents at Devendra Nagar Sector-3 and 1.
The association raised objections while the construction was still going on. But, officials tried to cover up their folly. They forged documents and maps to justify the encroachments. Be that as it may, evidences against them were really irrefutable. So, they have now offered razing the sewer but the association has now decided to approach the High Court with the demand of removing all the illegal structure rather than just a part of it.

Sharma stated it isn’t just a case of encroachment; it’s also a gross misuse of exchequers’ money into illegal construction. CGDRC officials initially even rejected their registry papers and came up with their own maps. Just like they mislead the BJP Government, officials are again trying to take the Congress Government for a ride.