PUNJAB Congress President Sunil Jakhar, who lost the Lok Sabha election from Gurdaspur to BJP candidate and actor Sunny Deol, has sent his resignation from the post to party chief Rahul Gandhi. In the resignation sent three days back, he took moral responsibility for losing his Gurdaspur seat and the party’s not so outstanding performance in the Congress-ruled State. The Congress has won eight of the 13 seats. The Akali Dal and the BJP won two seats each while the AAP won one seat. In his letter, Jakhar said he was unable to retain his seat despite the best support by the Congress President, General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi and Chief Minister Amarinder Singh.
“Everyone supported me fully and put in their best for me but I was unable to defend my seat. In such a scenario I cannot continue as state chief. I feet a moral responsibility to quit,” said Jakhar, who lost by over 77,000 votes. J’khand PCC chief resigns from post: TAKING responsibility of the party’s debacle in the recently held Lok Sabha elections, Jharkhand Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) president Ajoy Kumar Monday resigned from his post. He handed over his resignation letter to the party’s state unit in-charge R P N Singh. The Congress, which led the ‘Mahagathbandhan’ (grand alliance) in the state, contested the Lok Sabha polls from seven out of 14 seats.
But the party could win only one seat - Singhbhum(ST) - where former Chief Minister Madhu Koda’s wife, Gita Koda, defeated BJP’s State unit president Laxman Gilua. Amid speculation of a leadership change in Rajasthan Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot also met All India Congress Committee (AICC) General Secretary K C Venugopal and senior party leader Ahmed Patel. Congress leader Lal Chand Kataria has reportedly resigned as Agriculture Minister, citing the rout of the party in the Lok Sabha elections. In a purported press release, Kataria said he had sent the resignation to the Governor through Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, who came under attack from Congress President Rahul Gandhi after the Congress failed to win even one seat in Rajasthan.