@@INCLUDE-HTTPS-REDIRECT-METATAG@@ Police to introduce ‘Operation Red Card’

Police to introduce ‘Operation Red Card’

By Shivanjali Verma:
‘Operation Red Card’ will involve parents of spoiled youngsters who are involved in eve-teasing, stalking n
Parents will be involved so that they can emotionally counsel and bring their children back on track
Operation Red Card will come into force within a week
Police administration will introduce ‘Operation Red Card’ to involve parents of spoiled youngsters, who are involved in eve-teasing, stalking and other activities, which are not categorised under decent acts. Parents will be involved so that they can emotionally counsel and bring their children back on track, before police initiate their mode of action.
Operation Red Card will be implemented under Code Red and come into operation within a week. The department has already prepared its blueprint and worked on different angles involved. The department will shortlist the grey areas, where activities like eve-teasing and stalking take place regularly. The Code Red team in civil dress will scrutinise the situation and catch youngsters involved in eve-teasing red-handed. Later on, the team would seek details about their whereabouts and contact their parents with the Red Card, which will be considered as a warning to the parents to interfere and counsel their children so that they would not get involved in such activities anymore.
Along with parents, Red Card will also be issued to the owners of kiosks and stalls installed at the roadside and are regularly visited by the eve-teasers, where they spend lots of time passing lewd remarks, staring and stalking girls, so that, they would also become alert and not allow such nuisance to be operated from their kiosks or stalls. When contacted, Superintendent of Police, Amit Singh admitted that, the department is coming up with its new initiative to provide an opportunity to the spoiled youth to improve their behaviour towards females.
“Police work to establish peace, law and order in society and not to make criminals or goons out of youngsters by putting them behind the bars for the mistakes, which can be corrected by counselling. Before introducing Red Card, we are training our staff to counsel youngsters found guilty of eve-teasing or stalking, their parents and other people involved, so that the issue can be rectified at the early stage,” said SP Singh. “Earlier, we had joint families, where grandparents fulfilled the responsibility of keeping an eye on their grandchildren, especially adolescent ones. In schools, we had teachers, who kept record of every student and used to teach moral science so that the children would know how to behave with their opposite gender. In present scenario, both the parents are working as they are overloaded with work pressure.
Despite having interest, they are unable to spend quality time with their children and teach them about good and bad behaviour,” expressed SP, Singh. “Hence, before initiating legal action, we will give a warning to the parents, so that, even they would know about wrong deeds being committed by their wards and give them a timely counsel. It will not only help parents to win back their lost children, but also support us to make people concerned and bother about their social responsibilities,” concluded the Superintendent.