A CBI team on Tuesday quizzed the family members of the 19-year-old Dalit victim in the gangrape and murder case in Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh and examined the crime scene, officials said. The team, which reached the crime scene in Bulgarhi village on Tuesday morning after registering the FIR two days back, took the brother of the victim to record his statement, they said.
The victim had died a fortnight after an alleged brutal assault, including gangrape, by four men of the village on September 14. When the brother was being taken away by the team, speculation about his arrest started doing the rounds, but CBI Spokesperson RK Gaur said that “no arrest has been made”.
The CBI investigators spoke to the family members at their residence in detail about the sequence of events on the day of the crime, they said. The officials directed the local police to cordon off the crime scene, which was virtually a thoroughfare for nearly 29 days since the incident. Meanwhile, the CBI has augmented its Hathras team by assigning four more officers under Superintendent of Police Raghuram Rajan who is heading the Anti-Corruption Bureau, Ghaziabad.