Migratory birds flocking wetland

23 Nov 2020 12:10:38

Migratory birds_1 &n
Staff Reporter :
With onset of winters, higher number of migratory birds have started flocking wetlands of the State capital. As compared to last year, this time many species have marked their entry in the city. Rare bird like Verditer Flycatcher and many other species have been spotted around Upper Lake, Lower Lake, Shahpur, Van Vihar and Kerwa region.
Other birds like Green Sandpiper, Little Grebe, Spot billed duck, Copper Smith Barbet, Grey frecolin, Eurasia Moorhen, Siberian Stonechat, Western Yellow Wagtail among others have also further informed that the technique of artificial incubation is complex as it requires fixed temperature and correct development of eggs. Hand rearing can also be used with chicks from artificially incubated eggs. This technique is useful to encourage vultures to produce more offspring. He said, naturally when vultures lay eggs they have low survival but this hand rear technique will be increasing the survival rate.
Migratory birds flocking wetland started chirping in Bhoj wetland. As good population of birds has come up in Bhopal, Van Vihar and other birds associations are conducting bird watching camps in different schedules to count and identify species for further records. This year, many species have made a come back and a few have entered for the first time.
Experts say that they are expecting more count of birds by December end as water level in still high. Mohammed Khalid, Bhopal Birds, said that this year population of migratory birds is good. He said last year warmer weather distracted birds and less number of species flocked in the city. He said a bird watching camp is being held at Van Vihar to count species and with their identification under safety protocols.
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