RCOEM introduces new B.E programme in Biomedical Engg
   Date :17-Dec-2020

RCOEM _1  H x W
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Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, (RCOEM), Nagpur has launched a new B.E programme in Biomedical Engineering, which is the first initiative amongst all private engineering colleges in Vidarbha. This programme is introduced to educate students so as to bridge engineering with life sciences to foster the development of indigenous medical devices.
The nature of the programme goes beyond the subject barriers to train the students from both Engineering as well as Science aspects to explore different dimensions of learning in this field. The Institute aims to train Biomedical Engineers in next-generation healthcare technologies and prepare them to work at the frontiers of healthcare innovations. By focusing on the design and problem-solving skills this course could help to improve future healthcare diagnosis, monitoring and therapy. The curriculum of this programme emphasises on three main horizons i.e. Biomaterials, Bio Instrumentation and Medical Imaging.
The curriculum includes courses like Human Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers, Biophysical Signals and Systems, Bio Instrumentation, Bio-MEMS, Medical Robotics & Automation, Bioinformatics, Biomechanics, Biostatistics, Hospital Engineering & Management, Bio-nanotechnology, Biomedical image processing and Imaging systems, Design and Manufacturing of Implants and prostheses, Biomedical Hazards & Safety, one semester Industry Internship etc. Well-equipped laboratories are available which helps in imbibing practical knowledge to students. For details, contact Dr Jayu Kalambe, Programme Co-ordinator, Biomedical Engineering on (M: 9822360944), e-mail: kalambej@rknec.edu or visit www.rknec.edu