FORMER India star batsman Yuvraj Singh on Sunday pledged to donate Rs 50 lakh to the PM-CARES Fund to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Modi spoke to 49 sports personalities that included the likes of BCCI President Sourav Ganguly, Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli, cricket great Sachin Tendulkar, badminton world champion PV Sindhu and chess legend Viswanathan Anand as he urged them to keep spreading awareness as the world fights the coronavirus pandemic.
The pandemic has put the whole world on pause and sporting events across the globe have either been cancelled or suspended and even the fate of the 13th edition of the IPL hangs in the balance with the BCCI now also open to shifting the tournament to the October-November window if the ICC does plan to postpone the World T20. Earlier in the day, India’s limited overs vice-captain Rohit Sharma compared the fight against COVID-19 with a Test match, saying our lives depend on winning this match.