City’s Dr Neelam Mishra to address digital convocation of KIMS
   Date :21-May-2020

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Staff Reporter :
Emulating the example of ‘Notional Convocation’ held by Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science, (Deemed to be University) (DMIMS) Wardha, the Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University), Karad is also holding its ‘Notional Convocation’ for conferment of degrees, diplomas and certificates to the eligible examinees for the academic year 2019-20 on Thursday on the virtual platform. Nagpur’s Dr Neelam Mishra, who is also the Vice-Chancellor of KIMS, will deliver the convocation address. Idea of holding notional convocation was first put by Dr Vedprakash Mishra, Pro Chancellor, DMIMS.
A decision to this effect was taken at an emergent meeting of the Board of Management of the University on virtual mode under the Chairmanship of Dr Neelam Mishra. It was decided that, in view of the prevailing situation and circumstances due to COVID-19, holding of the ceremonial convocation is neither open nor permissible.
However, in view of the fact that, in terms of the binding provisions of the governing Memorandum of Association of the University, the convocation is required to be held within 180 days from the date of the concerned examination. Further, to balance the interest of the students in terms of their entitlement to get their degrees / certificates, the only modality available at this juncture to balance the same was to hold a ‘Notional Convocation’, where the degrees to the eligible examinees would be conferred ‘in absentia’. A regular ceremonial ‘extended convocation’ would be held at a later date.