With everything getting digital, people more likely to suffer from eye strain

14 Jun 2020 08:42:07

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By Vikas Vaidya :
In the wake of coronavirus outbreak, suddenly everything became digital. On-line classes, zoom meetings, video conferencing all have taken a front seat. To add to the woes of people, ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ message has been taken in wrong way and TV viewers rose. As per the survey shared by Dr Gopal Arora, Management Committee Member of All India Opthalmological Society, the time spent by people on social media rose from 150 minutes per day to 280 minutes per day.

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It is going to affect the eyes in some or the other way. Now educational institutions, coaching institutes too are insisting on opting on-line work. According to ophthalmologists in city this trend is dangerous and may prove fatal for eyes. “People are often glued to their TVs, laptops mobile screens. There is 87% increase in social media usage amid lock down. 75% people are spending more time on Facebook, twitter and What’sApp during lockdown.
This increased usage of digital devices can lead to digital eye strain. If you are suffering from eye fatigue, itchy eyes, dryness, blurred vision, double vision or headaches, you might be suffering from Digital Eye Strain,” explained Dr Gopal Arora According to Dr Arora, appropriate location of your digital device screen — distance between the eye and the screen should be at least 20-25 inches. The computer screen should be 15 to 20 degree below the straight eye gaze. Position the computer to avoid glare and air conditioner should be from the back or sides. Stop using devices before bed, advised Dr Arora. Dr Prashant Bawankule, noted Opthalmologist and Founder of Sarakshi Netralaya pointed out, “Mobile phone is becoming an essential thing in our lives which is unfortunate.
It is useful but the use should have prudence. We can’t avoid its use is the fact. But I think if certain measures are taken we can overcome the problems being faced by us out of it. Apart from using mobile for study purpose people have With pics w/emails/eye/Dr Gopal Arora, Yashwant Saoji, Dr Prashant Bawankule, Dr Rekha Khandelwal, Dr Sameer Gade started spending time on social media which can be easily avoided.” Yashwant Saoji, a well-known Optometrist elaborated, “Every person with excessive use of computers needs to undergo an eye exam with examination of binocular vision parameters (Eye muscle strength evaluation). Excessive screen time puts additional demand on your eye muscles. It is preferred to have a longer working distance than the harmon distance from the screen.
Harmon distance is measured from elbow to the fist. If dryness in the eyes is affecting the studies/work, keep a flat dish of water next to the monitor where the heat is being generated. This will help the water to evaporate and generate moisture. Follow the 20 - 20 - 20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look away from the screen for 20 seconds preferably beyond 20 feet. Paste a sticker with the word BLINK on the top of your screen. When we concentrate on the display our blink rate goes down and comfort is affected. This sticker will help you to keep the eyes moist by reminding you to blink.” Dr Rekha Khandelwal, Head of Department of Ophthalmology, NKPSIMS stated, “Exposure to daylight, for children can play vital role. They should be encouraged for outdoor play for some time. Parents should monitor the activities of their wards and that outdoor activities should have good physical work-out.”
According to young consultant ophthalmologist Dr Sameer Gade, some proactive measures can be taken to avoid digital eye strain. “Poor posture should be avoided. Sit up straight. Research shows that only two hours in front of digital screens is enough to cause eye strain, otherwise known as Computer Vision Syndrome. Also in these trying times we are faced with two options. Either send our children to school at the cost of their health or stay at home with e-learning. Faced with an impossible choice the lesser evil would be to make the children study from home.”
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