Mundhe says education to begin but less chances of schools reopening
   Date :16-Jun-2020

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Principal Correspondent ;
Tukaram Mundhe, Municipal Commissioner is firm on starting education but feels there are less chances of reopening of schools in Nagpur in near future. Education department of Maharashtra came up with the circular on Monday about reopening of schools. The date for reopening of schools in Vidarbha has been fixed at June 26. Government has given the right to the Municipal Commissioner to take a final call. Circular made it clear, School Management Committees should convene a meeting to prepare the modalities about how to follow the rules of social distancing, cleanliness, etc. Circular has guided school authorities as how to plan the reopening.
The steps school is supposed to take if it is in containment zone or in sealed area, the measures the school supposed to take if the students reside in containment zones or sealed areas etc. Since Municipal Commissioner is empowerd to take final decision, ‘The Hitavada’ contacted Mundhe who said, he is very keen to start education but not very sure about reopening of schools in near future. “Education can be started on-line if not off-line. I am of the firm opinion that education should not stop. I have convened initial meetings as far as Municipal schools are concerned. I tried to know how many our students have mobile or other gadgets to access the on-line education. Whether our machinery is prepared to conduct on-line education or not and what measures we have to take?” said Mundhe.
According to Mundhe, the cases of coronavirus are rising though not like Mumbai, Pune. But care needs to be taken so that Nagpur would not be in trouble. Mundhe is supposed to take final call regarding private schools too. “There are too many private schools and interaction with them in one go is not possible. I shall arrange on-line meeting with them later this week or early next week. I want to know their preparedness about education,” pointed out Mundhe. Considering the recent spurt in coronavirus cases, Mundhe does not want to take any chance plus people have started violating the norms after the ease in restrictions. Nagpur still has not occupied the place in first 30 cities of India having highest number of corona positive cases and Mundhe wants to improve further on that account.