KKSU tops Sanskrit varsities in country

02 Jun 2020 11:14:28

KKSU_1  H x W:
Principal Correspondent :
Education World, The Human Development Magazine Bengaluru has published India Government University Ranking 2020-21. According to this ranking, Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University (KKSU) has topped Sanskrit universities in the country. The university secures sixth position in all universities in Maharashtra while stood at 60th position in national ranking.
The raking was decided on the basis of ten parameters. They include teachers’ quality, teachers’ development, research and innovation, curriculum and education system, industrial relations, employment, infrastructural facilities, identity at international level, leadership and administrative points. This achievement of KKSU is being hailed in all walks of life. Vice Chancellor Prof Shrinivasa Varakhedi said, “Getting top slot among all Sanskrit universities in India, by the ranking declared by Education World has motivated us. With this achievement we could tell everybody that KKSU can work like any other institution that runs professional courses. We want to prepare a good draft for which we need support from society, Government and others. This ranking is the beginning towards what we want to achieve.
This is the success of our team work.” Registrar of Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University has congratulated Prof Varakhedi and all the team members. University is mulling over preparing plan as to how the work to be continued post-corona situation, expressed Vijay Kumar. Prof Varakhedi is known for his flexible attitude. He has come up with several technological modes to run university.
He has made KKSU digitally globalised. Internal workflow management system, digital meetings, webinar, on-line teaching, PhD oral examination have been globalised. KKSU is the first university in Maharashtra to adopt Integrated University Management System. Prof Varakhedi took charge as Vice-Chancellor two years ago and changed the perspective. For the first time since its inception, KKSU has become more vibrant. He has focussed on academics, society oriented and research-based projects, administrative reforms for development of university.
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