Councils’ nod for conducting health sciences exams
   Date :04-Jun-2020

Entrance of Maharashtra U
 Entrance of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences.
By Vikas Vaidya :
MCI says finish exams by June, DCI wants exams to end on July 30, AYUSH has not specified any date  
The apex bodies that regulate various health science courses have given a nod for conducting the examinations in the country. Students studying in various health sciences courses were waiting anxiously in the wake of cancellation of examinations of traditional universities in Maharashtra. Amit Deshmukh, Maharashtra Minister for Medical Education had told ‘The Hitavada’ that he was awaiting the guidelines from the councils.
On Wednesday the guidelines reached universities, medical colleges, dental colleges, Ayurved colleges and other institutions that conduct the health sciences courses. Now it will be mandatory for Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) to hold the examinations. Dr Dileep Mhaisekar, Vice-Chancellor of MUHS had sent a letter to every council seeking guidelines. Health sciences courses are regulated by Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India, AYUSH etc. The advisories sent to Principal/Dean of all the medical colleges, dental colleges, Ayurvedic colleges, Homoeopathy, Unani, Siddha and other running health science courses in the country, Registrar of all the universities, Principal Secretary Medical Education, Directors of Medical Education Departments of all States say examinations should be held following all norms of coronavirus outbreak.
MCI has asked all the medical colleges to be prepared to prepare the schedule so as to finish the same by June end while DCI wants all the dental examinations to be finished by July end. Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), a statutory body under Ministry of AYUSH has not specified a time frame but examinations are to be conducted between June and August. These apex bodies have told institutions to continue online academic activities in their colleges so as not to compromise on education, while also maintaining the principles of hygiene, social distancing and restricted movements at all times to ensure the health, safety and security of the students, faculty, and staff.
CCIM has made it clear, it is must to conduct proper examination of all UG and PG students of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Sowa Rigpa including failed students. MCI and DCI have asked its colleges/universities to conduct their theory examinations both for UG and PG strictly in accordance with the norms prescribed by the respective councils. But, these theory examinations shall be conducted by such institutions and universities with their due compliance of the advisories, guidelines, instructions, etc. issued by the Government of India, respective State Government and District Administration, from time to time so as to prevent from spreading COVlD-19.
Guidelines issued by apex bodies
n Universities shall inform to all students about the schedule of examination and related activities well in advance (at least 2-4 weeks before) so as to enable student to obtain e-pass etc if required
n The examining bodies are given relaxation to appoint external practical examiners from local Deemed Universities or local colleges from the same city/town/zone, if out of State examiners are unable to travel due to COVID restrictions
n If the college hospital has been taken over by local administration for Covid-19 purpose, the clinical examination of such college may be conducted in some other nearby college hospital respectively
n Pre- clinical subject’s examination (practical) may be taken online
n In any case, it is mandatory on the part of universities to issue proper marksheets to each student mentioning marks secured in each subject by him/her
n Final year students
The examining authority may as soon as possible conduct the theory and practical examinations of the final year of the said program and announce the results in a time bound manner so that students are able to complete their one year-internship on time and pursue their careers without disruption as well as able to sit in All India PG Entrance Exam if they so desire
n PG students and their guides will ensure that the work done for the thesis is in compliance with regulatory requirements and ready for submission in time.
The universities may adopt appropriate strategies like
online submission of dissertation to facilitate the PG students in view of the prevailing
n Student may be allowed to select nearby college under same university as examination centre
n Owing to the extraordinary conditions, the norm of mandatory attendance for a candidate as per regulation is relaxed to the justifiable level on the discretion of Universities/examination body. The period of lockdown may be treated as 'deemed to be attended' by all the students
while calculating the requirement of minimum percentage of
n These guidelines are only applicable as one-time measure during this academic year due to COVID-19