‘Need to fill up 577 vacant posts in CGST Ngp Zone’
   Date :27-Aug-2020

vacant posts _1 &nbs
Business Bureau
ACCORDING to the data uploaded by the DGHRD, the sanctioned strength in CGST Nagpur Zone is 1,492 while the working strength is just 915 and vacant posts are staggering 577. These vacant posts need to be filled up at the earliest for the efficient and smooth working of Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) Nagpur Zone, said Sanjay Thul, President of All India Federation of Customs, Central Excise and GST SC/ST Employees Welfare Organisations.
Most of the vacancies are in the posts of Inspectors, Superintendents and Tax Assistants, he said. The Commissionerates in Nagpur Zone comprises of Nagpur I, Nagpur II, Audit Nagpur, Aurangabad, Nashik, Audit Nashik, CCO, Appeal Nagpur, Appeal Nashik and SEZ. “The present officers and staff working in the department is highly overloaded and facing huge work pressure because of the shortage of staff. Trade is also facing difficulties due to the shortage of staff,” he said. In some Ranges where only one Superintendent and one Inspector is working, the total number of allotted taxpayers is running in to several thousands, making the monitoring work meaningless.
Important work, such as maintaining database for the purpose of reports, making correspondences with the erring taxpayers, issuance of demand notices and compliances of objections etc., is not being properly attended because of the shortage of manpower. “Even at headquarters level of the divisions and commissionerates, there is no manpower available for the formation of special task forces to undertake anti-evasion operations such as E-way bills squads, monitoring of variations in various returns filed by the taxpayers etc., Thul said.Regarding this issue, a letter has been sent to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 24, for immediate action, he added. “A large number of youths have lost their jobs due to COVID-19 pandemic. Our country is facing problem of unemployment as well as on economic front due to the pandemic,” he said. 
‘More than 40,000 posts lying vacant across country’ As per the data uploaded by the Directorate General of Human Resource Development (DGHRD), Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) on its website, the sanctioned strength of the staff in CBIC across the country is 91,700, whereas the working strength is merely 51,091 as on January 1, 2020. Thus, the total posts lying vacant are 40,609, which is around 44 per cent of the sanctioned strength, Thul disclosed. He said that the shortage in the working staff strength has a direct impact on lower Goods and Services Tax (GST) collection. In this connection, the Directorate General of Analytics and Risk Management (DGARM) has been set up by the CBIC. “E-way bill squads have been activated for the purpose of random verification of the goods in transit. All these activities are possible only when the working strength of staff is sufficient to handle the assigned tasks. The actual position in Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) establishments is very pathetic,” he said.