Every year Nagpur Garden Club and The Hitavada jointly hold Monsoon Flower Show in the memory of Kusumtai Wankhede in Kusumtai Wankhede Hall. This monsoon show is being held for the past more than 50 years and has remained a star attraction for the garden lover Nagpurians.
Individuals, institutions, Government departments and private factories take part in the flower shows. The shows are witnessed by thousands of Nagpurians. The Monsoon Show is famous for indoor and house plants.
This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant lock down and restrictions imposed by the Government on movement of people and public gatherings, the Monsoon Flower Show can not be held in physical format. The Monsoon Flower Show will be held in virtual format on the previously decided date i.e. September 13. This is the first show of its kind which will be held using digital platform and is open for all. For further details contact on phone or WhatsApp
Kedar Gokhale, President (Mob. 9822369002) or Manisha
Thakar, Secretary & Chairperson Flower Show Committee
(Mob. 9422111815).