Narmada flooded again due to heavy discharge from Bargi
   Date :25-Sep-2020

Bargi_1  H x W:
Staff Reporter :
Due to heavy rainfall in catchments of Bargi Dam, water level of the reservoir reached FRL on Thursday afternoon. Hence, to maintain proper water level, the authorities have adjusted height of already opened 5 gates to half metre (0.50 metre) at 6 pm. With increase in height of gates, huge water is being discharged from the dam. It has again flooded river Narmada.
Flood waters has reached to shops situated far away from the banks of river Narmada in Gwarighat. Temples situated at the river banks got submerged. Looking at the situation, the district administration has sounded alert in areas situated near river banks. The administration has advised people to keep distance from river banks. Following heavy rain in catchments of Bargi Dam, huge inflow was recorded in the reservoir, on Thursday.
Due to the same, dam authorities had raised height of all opened five gates to 0.50 meter (half meter) at 6 pm on Thursday. As huge water is continuously coming into the dam, the authorities may further adjust height of the gates. Senior authorities of Bargi Dam informed they have been releasing total 1069 cumec water from five gates. Water level of the dam has been maintained to FRL, which is 422.76 meter. At present the dam is receiving 1084 cumec water.