Amitesh Kumar takes charge as CP Nagpur
   Date :05-Sep-2020

Amitesh Kumar takes charg
New CP Amitesh Kumar
By Shirish Borkar
CHALLENGES never deterred Amitesh Kumar, an IPS officer of 1995 batch as he continued serving the Maharashtra Police to his fullest abilities. With unblemished record in his two-and-a-half decade of service, Kumar’s professional skills in policing brought laurels to the State Police Department. The experiences gained by him at various postings made him more strong, courageous, confident, efficient, knowledgeable, compassionate, polite, empathetic and vigilant.
As professional law enforcer, he strictly adhered to the Maharashtra Police’s motto of total commitment to protect the righteous while controlling and annihilating the evil throughout his career. Additional Director General (ADG) Kumar, who took over the reins from Dr Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay and became the 34th Commissioner of Police on Friday, appeared to be keen on experimenting with ideas to ensure effective policing, traffic management and crime control mechanism for keeping Nagpur safe and secured.
Usually, mediapersons, mostly crime reporters and photographers, flock the office of the Commissioner of Police whenever a new senior IPS officer takes charge to head Nagpur Police force. Even the officer loves to interact with mediapersons discussing challenges faced by the police force and also shares his agenda to ensure maintenance of overall law and order in the Second Capital. His outgoing counterpart, too, shares some of his experiences during his tenure. But this time, the scene was different with low turnout of mediapersons due to coronovirus pandemic. Kumar arrived in the city from Mumbai by morning flight and straight away drove to Police Gymkhana. After donning the uniform within minutes, he reached the Office of the Commissioner of Police, temporarily housed at Patel Bungalow in Chhaoni. After taking the salute, he quickly went to the CP’s chamber where Dr Upadhyay and senior officers were waiting for him.
A group of press photographers followed him and captured Kumar while taking over the charge from Dr Upadhyay in their cameras. One of the senior journalists, on behalf of photographers, requested Kumar after he occupied the chair to remove his face mask for a ‘clear’ snap. Kumar and Dr Upadhyay had to leave for the scheduled meeting with Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh, Guardian Minister Dr Nitin Raut and senior bureaucrats. Kumar has returned to the city on his new assignment after almost 13 years.
A recipient of President’s Police Medal for meritorious service and outstanding achievements in the field of professional policing, Kumar had also worked as Joint Director, State Intelligence Department (SID), Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic), Mumbai, Commissioner of Police in Aurangabad and Amravati, Additional Commissioner of Police (ATS) and Special Inspector General of Police (Aurangabad Range), Deputy Commissioner of Police in Nagpur and Mumbai, Superintendent of Police in Solapur and Aurangabad (Rural). A degree holder in economics from Delhi’s St Stephen’s College, Kumar is also post-graduate (PG) in Law and PG Diploma in Cyber Law.
Deterrence for goons, zero tolerance for traffic violations top priorities: CP
CREATING enough deterrence for goons and zero tolerance for traffic rule violations are the main priorities of new Commissioner of Police (CP) Amitesh Kumar who took over reins of Nagpur Police Commissionerate on Friday. Kumar said that these things would make people feel safe and secure in the Second Capital. Interacting with mediapersons, Kumar disclosed his plans of ensuring rule of law in the city. “Grievances of people should be redressed properly by every police officer in the city. Anyone can come with his/ her grievances to me at office from 10 am to 7 pm,” he assured.
“Nagpur’s people are very cooperative with police as I experienced it during my two-year tenure as Deputy Commissioner of Police,” Kumar stated.
“Safety and security of the citizens would be on top priority and for that police would try their best to serve and solve their problems,” stated the new top cop. “Nagpur is a peaceful city by and large and no major issues of law and order took place here in the recent past, even during my tenure,” he opined. When asked about increasing white-collar crimes, the new CP said that stringent MCOCA and MPDA would be slapped on them. On the issue of increasing Cyber crimes, Amitesh Kumar assured that detection and prevention of Cyber crimes would be increased by taking all measures. Stating many great police officers have served at Nagpur, Amitesh Kumar claimed that he would take a detailed review of the situation and challenges.