Dr K Sivan to inaugurate GHRCE Satellite Ground Station virtually today
   Date :28-Jan-2021

GHRCE _1  H x W
G H Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur will be inaugurating its GHRCE Satellite Ground Station virtually at the hands of Dr K Sivan, Chairman, ISRO, Secretary, Department of Space, Government of India on January 28, 2021 at 3.30 pm. As a part of UNITYsat programme of Indo-Serbia Initiative, the GHRCE Students’ Team has initiated the joint development of GHRCEsat with students’ Startup TSC Technologies Pvt Ltd.
GHRCE Satellite Ground Station is the member of SatNOGS (Satellite Networked Open Ground Station) project, which is a free software and open-source hardware platform aimed to create a satellite ground station network. SatNOGS aims to provide a stack of technologies needed for a distributed network of low earth orbit satellite ground stations. SatNOGS Ground Station is an open-source hardware ground station instrumentation with a rotator, antennas, electronics and connected to the client. There are 300+ operational ground-stations and 380+ satellites with 810+ transmitters monitored as on November 2019. The global array of ground stations contribute to an effective network for monitoring orbital satellites.
Sunil Raisoni, Chairman, RGI Group, Shreyas Raisoni, ED, RGI Group, Dr Sachin Untawale, Director-GHRCE will be present during the inaugural function of GHRCE Satellite Ground Station.
Dr Mahendra Gaikwad is the Project Coordinator of GHRCE Satellite Programme under mentorship of Dr Sachin Untawale, Director, GHRCE and Dr Milind Khanapurkar, Deputy Director, GHRCE.