The Pragati Rajasthani Mahila Mandal is all set to open ‘Pragati Haat Bazar Exhibition’ here at its newly constructed Pragati Bhawan at Surya Nagar near Lata Mangeshkar Garden. The exhibition will be held on October 18 and 19. Savita Ajay Sancheti, wife of former Rajya Sabha MP Ajay Sancheti, will inaugurate the exhibition on October 18 at 11.00 am. President of the Mandal Sarla Somani announced this at a press conference on Saturday. She said that various products will be put on display in 70 stalls on the occasion of the ongoing festive season. She also said that all the members of the Pragati Rajasthani Mahila Mandal are working hard to make the event a big success.
Mangala Sarda, office-bearer of the Mandal, gave a brief idea of the activities of the group in the newly constructed Bhawan. She said that a club called Super 60 Club has been formed for the women above 60 years age. In addition to this, packaging of spices is also being done in the Mandal. Secretary Madhu Sarda, Radhika Mundada, Manju Hurkat, Shobha Loya, Vijashree Sarda, Savitri Dodiya, Padma Sarda, Hema Bhattad, Madhuri Modi, Shilpa Sarda, Sapna Maniyar, Vandana Jhanwar, Usha Rathi, Nikita Bagadi, Shweta Khemani and others were present.