NMC to set up debris processing plant at Bhandewadi soon

07 Dec 2021 09:30:43

Bhandewadi soon_1 &n
By Sagar Mohod :
It will help in treating the waste generated due to construction, demolition activities 
A waste processing plant meant for handling discarded material from construction sector is coming up at Bhandewadi with capacity to handle 150 metric tonnes per day (MTPD) capacity. Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has finalised the terms for addressing issues relating to processing of solid waste that is a big issue in urban landscape. While the issue has much broader contours, the civic body has taken first step in recycling of waste generated from construction and demolition. In solid waste management there is also an issue of handling general garbage and its processing but that would come-up in later stage, said the civic officials. Initially, NMC has kept focus on channelising the heavy material from demolition of buildings or left overs from the construction sites. Public Health Engineering Department’s (PHED) focus is on curbing the rising air pollution and one of its component is also dumps of discarded material lying scattered in open places after demolition of buildings.
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in 2016 notified rules regarding construction and demolition waste in detail with stress on collection, segregation, recycling, treatment, and disposal in environmentally sound manner. NMC has set targets for taking-up entire gamut of waste processing, i.e. recycling with focus on protecting the fragile environment that is increasingly under threat due to rapid urbanisation. With uptick in the economy construction activity is booming all over city and same also generates lot of waste, said Rajesh Dufare, Deputy Engineer, PHE, he is appointed to oversee the project, under Superintendent Engineer, while talking to The Hitavada. He said according to NMC's survey there should not be dearth of raw material for operating the plant at full capacity. Asked about the potential, Dufare said in first goes the agency commissioned for establishment of C&D waste processing plant would have to have installed capacity of 75 MTPD with operations spanning eight hours. In case the operator can handle double shift then 150 MTPD waste can be easily processed in a day, the NMC document mentioned. PHE has invited parties for construction of plant on public private partnership (PPP) mode with operation period spanning 20-years. Post completion of period the plant's ownership would revert to NMC. After five-years of operation, NMC has stated that if needed the operations of waste processing plant would need to be scaled-up to handle 200 MTPD, but that is by year 2050 when urban population is expected to rise sharply.
The main thrust of plant is using wet processing technology at the plant and it would be useful in converting the waste into preparing I blocks, concrete tiles and other such material that is in continuous demand in public work itself. Twin aims would be achieved, one is scientific handling and treatment of construction waste and more than that putting it to effective use would ensure lesser stress on the environment. The value added material manufactured through the plant can be sold by the agency in open market as well to realise his investment. NMC is hopeful of attracting bids from private parties having deep pockets as the waste processing plant is going to be capital intensive. The agency interesting in setting-up the plant is expected to arrange capital, also prepare the design while NMC would provide the land at Bhandewadi Yard. NMC expects the facility to be zero discharge one to ensure ample dust control measures are in place and maintenance of green belt. NMC said the agency interested in setting-up of C&D processing plant must have turn over of atleast Rs. 18 crores. Further civic body said in case it received viability gap funding (VGF) from Government then they may participate by infusing upfront equity into the project. VGF is however going to be limited to 50 per cent of capital cost of the project.
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