Villagers attending the training programme at Nagdha village.
Staff Reporter :
Durg Forest Division had organised training camps about the birds and wetland conservation for the local Biodiversity Management Committees of four villages in Bemetara recently. Durg Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) Dhammashil Ganvir told The Hitavada that 20 people from each of the four villages were invited at the training programmes. Subject experts trained villagers on a range of topics from water conservation to bird protection.
Durg Forest Division attested Officer Vivek Shukla addressed the villagers on duties and responsibilities of Biodiversity Committees and operation of eco-tourism. Dr Jitendra Singh from Indira Gandhi Agriculture University lectured on water vegetation. Ornithologist Ravi Naidu taught villagers how to identify the birds whereas bird expert Raju Verma lectured on the topic of strengthening rural economy through bird tourism.
Villagers took oath for bird conservation. Sarpanch Parsada Rajesh Sahu, Gidhwa Sarpanch Keshavram Sahu, Murkuta Sarpanch Phoolmani Bharti and Nagdha Sarpanch Dhansingh Verma played active role. DFO Ganvir said the Biodiversity Act of 2002 has provision for the formation of Biodiversity Management Committee at village level. He said it will be first and only initiative in the nation, wherein villagers are directly involved in the conservation/management of birds and wetlands. Once they are done here, the department will be setting up similar committee at Beloudi at Patan.