MAHARASHTRA Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Thursday said strict lockdown measures will be enforced in some parts of the State to contain the spread of COVID-19. Thackeray, 60, was speaking after receiving the first dose of the ‘Covaxin’ against COVID-19 at the Government-run J J Hospital here. Maharashtra on Wednesday recorded 13,659 new coronavirus cases, the highest one-day spike this year, which took the State’s caseload to 22,52,057. The State has so far reported 52,610 deaths due to the disease, as per official data. “Some areas of Maharashtra will witness strict lockdown measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus infection.
The Government is going to hold a special meeting with officials before coming out with the lockdown measures,” Thackeray said. He said that the Government has been requesting people to wear mask, maintain physical distance and avoid moving out unnecessarily. Earlier in the day, minister Nitin Raut announced a “strict lockdown” in the Nagpur Police Commissionerate limits from March 15 to 21. His wife Rashmi Thackeray and mother-in-law also received the vaccine doses. The CM was accompanied by his son and State Cabinet Minister Aaditya Thackeray.