Countdown for launch of India’s 1st Earth observation satellite begins
   Date :12-Aug-2021

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THE Indian space agency early on Wednesday morning began the countdown for the launch of its GSLV-F10 rocket carrying the country’s first Geo Imaging Satellite-1 (GISAT-1) renamed as EOS-03. The GISAT-1 will be the country’s first eye in sky or earth observation satellite to be placed in geostationary orbit. The 51.70 metre tall weighing 416 ton Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle -F10 (GSLV-F10) is scheduled to blast off from the second launch pad at the Sriharikota rocket port in Andhra Pradesh on Thursday at 5.43 am.
The rocket will be carrying the 2,268 kg earth observation satellite (EOS-03) or GISAT-1 and just over 18 minutes into its flight, the satellite will be placed at the geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO). From the GTO, the satellite will be taken up to its final position firing its onboard motors, said India Space Research Organisation (ISRO).