WCR GM releases ‘Disaster Management Program’ books

13 Jan 2022 11:04:59

Staff Reporter :
As part of Government of India’s Disaster Management programme, West Central Railway General Manager (GM) Sudhir Kumar Gupta inaugurated ‘Disaster Management Program’ Book Part-1 2021 (9th edition) and Part -2 2021(12th edition) in the presence of Principal Chief Safety Officer (PCSO) SP Mahi at West Central Railway Head Quarters on Tuesday. The contact details of national institutes such as National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), National Disaster Relief Force (NDRF) Railway Board and Railway Safety Commissioner have been provided in the book for immediate relief from disaster.
The Part-1 of the book contains information about Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) issued by Railway Board for dealing with fire incidents in moving train, SOP released by Government of India and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Department (MoHFW) for safety against Covid-19, guidelines issued by NDMA to be followed during natural calamities and chemical accidents and 10-points instructions by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for reducing the danger of disaster. The Part-2 of the book contains information about contact details of railway officers of three divisions, blood banks, government and private hospitals, social welfare organizations, light and heavy machinery suppliers, petroleum depot, and NDMA of Rajasthan and Madhya state.
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