Ngp Railway Station set for makeover

19 Oct 2022 10:08:01

Ngp Railway Station  
Staff Reporter
Railway Ministry has okayed the proposal for redevelopment of Nagpur Railway Station that would focus on enhancing the beauty of heritage structure while leveraging the open space above tracks for rolling out world class amenities. So as the work is set to start any time, in three to four years down the line, travellers can look forward to 108 meters wide concourse that would house an array of amenities and most importantly ample space that would cover platform 1 to 7. Platform no. 8 also known as Home Platform is going to remain stand alone as it is separate from the main yard by the goods lines that lies post platform no. 7.
As disclosed by Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, the project cost is pegged at Rs 487 crore and same is approved by Railway Minister. As per the development plan, the adjoining parts of heritage structure, it is on the more popular Western side of railway station, are going to be demolished. Railway officials said the new buildings that were constructed have only spoiled the beauty of pristine structure and hence they needed to pave wave for modern theme that is approved by Railway Ministry. One part of the new structure houses Railway Mail Service (RMS) and the building came-up during early 50's to 60's but the construction did not gel with the Walua sandstone structure of original station building. Same was the case with construction that was carried out towards Southern tip of station building, adjoining RPF unit, and hence it is also going to be pulled down.
TTE Building to be Demolished: Same is going to be the case with TTE rest room that is located right at the entrance to station from Western side. As per the details with The Hitavada, the current G+2 structure is set for demolition as same has outlived its utility. Long back the division had planned to take down the structure but Headquarters sat upon the plan. That time they had also planned a direct entry to western side of station through the Ram Jhula but same did not materialise.
G+2: Primarily, the focus is going to be development of new facade on Santra Market side where the new G-2 structure is planned to provide world class amenities to travellers. The redevelopment is modelled on the lines of airport terminals but officials say it will not be exact replica but primarily separate lounges for arrival and departure. While the arrival to railway station is going to be concentrated on Santra Market side, the new departure lounge is planned in place of current TTE building. Plus a spacious Passenger Reservation System (PRS) will also be housed in this building.
As per the construction plan, the contractor is given tight target of 36 months to complete redevelopment. However saying so all rests on how long and how many blocks are provided by Operating Department since Nagpur Yard is quite busy one, said people in know of the plans.
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