Nag river rejuvenation project: PMC appointment still 4-5 months away
   Date :18-Feb-2022

Nag river rejuvenation
Staff Reporter :
JICA asks for some compliance in the project 
Though the Nag river rejuvenation project has already got delayed by a year, the appointment of Project Management Consultant (PMC) is not yet finalised. The delay in appointment of PMC is likely to go into next financial year. Meanwhile, Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) which has approved loan for the project, asked for some compliance in the project to the Central Government. Mohd Israil, Project In-charge, Nag river rejuvenation project, Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) said, “JICA asked the ministry to ensure compliance in the project and the Government is working in this regard. National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD) of Jal Shakti Ministry will soon appoint the PMC to prepare tender document of the project with in 4-5 months” Israil said, “After receiving the tender document, the NMC will approve it following which the civic administration will float a tender for the project. Along with this, the cabinet approval is also under process.
With in one year the project will start shaping.” The aim of project is to rejuvenate the Nag River that passes through middle of city and then merges with Kanhan on Nagpur’s outskirts and then drains into Wainganga river basin. The plan is to revive the bio-diversity of the river and also to develop the river bank later and reposition of Nag River as signature river of city. When the project was conceived, way back in June 2014, the cost was pegged at Rs 1,476.96 crore. However, as the project was not properly drafted same was rejected and delays cost dearly as new additions were made pegging the pollution control price at nearly Rs 2,500 crore. But after intense negotiations and slashing at unwanted things, the final cost is of Nag River rejuvenation is pegged at Rs 2,117.54 crore.
The project is approved under the National River Conservation Plan and will be implemented by the National River Conservation Directorate, NRCD. The plan is to reduce the pollution level in terms of untreated sewage, flowing solid waste and other impurities flowing into the Nag river and its tributaries. JICA is the lead financer and it has entered into agreement with Maharashtra Government for a soft loan of Rs 1864 crores for Nag River Pollution Abatement Project and other river cleaning projects.