Sports Minister Kedar dedicates badminton hall in Kalmeshwar
   Date :19-Feb-2022

Sports Minister Kedar
Sports Reporter :
Maharashtra Sports Minister Sunil Kedar recently dedicated badminton hall at Taluka Krida Sankul in Kalmeshwar. Kedar, who also happens to be the president of Taluka Krida Sankul Samiti, Kalmeshwar, also performed ground breaking ceremony of spectators’ gallery at the hall.
The badminton hall has been built by JSW Kalmeshwar through the CSR funds. The maintenance of the hall, security and training facilities for players will also be done through this fund. On the occasion, Kedar felicitated Prashank Kalshetty, JSW CSR Head. Deputy Director of Sports, Nagpur Division, Shekhar Patil, District Sports Officer Avinash Pund, Abhay Mahalle and several others sports lovers were also present.