Humanity, truth cannot be divided on basis of gender or caste: President
   Date :21-Feb-2022

Ram Nath Kovind
PRESIDENT Ram Nath Kovind on Sunday asserted that humanity and truth are supreme and cannot be divided on the basis of caste, gender or religion, as serving the needy has always been accorded top priority in Indian culture. He also said though various religious traditions and practises are prevalent in different parts of India, there is only one belief and that is to work for the welfare of all, considering the entire humanity as one family. “Serving the needy has been given top priority in our culture.
Humanity and truth are supreme, which cannot be divided. The ultimate goal is welfare of the society,” the President said here, while inaugurating the 150th birth anniversary celebrations of Srimad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupad, the founder of the Gaudiya Math and Mission. Hailing doctors, nurses and health workers.
Kovind said they displayed this spirit of service during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite many of them contracting the virus. “Many of our COVID warriors sacrificed their lives, but the dedication of their co-workers remained unwavering. The whole country would always be indebted to such warriors,” the President said, praying for a world free of COVID-19. Invoking the 16th century Bhakti saint Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Kovind said the tradition of worshipping the Almighty with ‘Bhakti Bhav’ (devotion) has been significant in India.