Subroto Cup football begins in July
    Date :21-Jun-2022

Subroto Cup football 
Sports Reporter
AFTER two years long COVID break, the national grassroot football competition is back. Subroto Cup Football Tournament, organised by Subroto Mukherjee Sports Education Society, will begin in the first week of July, 2022.
The coronavuirus pandemic had suspended all the sporting activities for the past two years.
However, with the positive cases down to minimum, the Subroto Mukherjee Sports Education Society decided to conduct the all India tournament this season.
The district-level (inter-school) events will begin in the first week of July, informs a press release issued by Pallavi Dhatrak, District Sports Officer.
The tournament will be held in Under-14 (boys) and Under-17 age category (boys and girls). Those born on or after January 1, 2009 will be eligible to take part in Under-15 age category while those born on or after January 1, 2006 will take part in Under-15 age category.
The national championship is scheduled to be held from September 1 to October 17, adds the release.
The District Sports Officer has asked all schools to submit their entry forms before June 28.