The Hitavada: A daily magnum opus

31 Aug 2022 08:01:30

Dr Rashmin Deshmukh :
Last Sunday, I woke up a bit late and was much disappointed as I realised that being a holiday the previous day, there will be no issue of my favourite newspaper on that day. Throughout the day, I missed my dear print bro and vivid memories of my long association with it flashed before me. I couldn’t resist sharing them here through this write up. I came to Nagpur in 1991 after my banker father’s transfer here, I was just fourteen then and soon The Hitavada became a beloved member of our family. Over the years without conscious realisation the daily instilled so many good moral, cultural and family values in me and strengthened the pre-existing ones. In fact I feel for the last more than thirty years The Hitavada has deeply lived with me in my heart and mind becoming an inseparable part of my psyche, my conscience. It always gifted me a wonderful feeling that good ethical, honest and genuine people aren’t scarce in this world. I must deeply appreciate the broadsheet for firmly sticking to its great tradition and values, always standing by truth, candidly highlighting various issues and devotedly supporting various social causes.
As a child I remember contributing poems to the Twinkle star and participating in various competitions like the caption contest, coupon contest, message contest etc. organised by the daily and winning prizes many times. In college days I have distinct memories of contributing messages to the tongue in cheek column of the Mid Week Sensation which appeared on Wednesdays. This active participation always boosted up my spirits and heightened my confidence. The newspaper also provided me a nice platform to highlight different problems at local level and voice my opinion on national and international issues through relevant letters. It helped me widen my horizons of thinking, have clear perception and form unprejudiced opinion. As an adult contributing articles to this daily magnum opus helped me discover the creative me… the real me’ in myself as I often drilled deep within me.
I owe heartfelt gratitude to The Hitavada family for valuing my thoughts and work, and believe me every time my work has found place in the people's paper. My belief in my thoughts and myself has enhanced manifolds and self worth multiplied by millions. It is an amazing personal experience how a good newspaper can make your life bright, beautiful meaningful and serve a great inspiration and motivation in many ways. As a common man, citizen, reader and contributor it is truly a pleasure and privilege to be associated with the wonderful daily.
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