Nagpur city ranks 4th for violent crime, 6th highest in crime rate

01 Sep 2022 09:30:13

violent crime 
By Dheeraj Fartode
AMONG 19 metropolitan cities of India, Nagpur ranked sixth in crime rate and first in Maharashtra, revealed the Crime in India 2021 report published by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).
As per the NCRB, the police stations in Nagpur Police Commissionerate registered 13,312 cases under different Sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC), at the rate of 532.9 per lakh population of Nagpur. While Mumbai city recorded 63,689 IPC crimes with crime rate of 345.9, Pune recorded 9,511 IPC crimes with crime rate of 188.3. The crime rate describes the number of crimes reported to law enforcement agencies per lakh population.
The statistics is a commentary on the law and order situation in the city, where frustration among the populace about lack of adequate opportunities seems to play a major role in youth taking to crime to further their dreams.
A crime rate is calculated by dividing the number of reported crimes by the total population; the result is multiplied by one lakh. The NCRB considered the population of the 19 metropolitan cities as per the 2011 Census data. According to the report, the population of Nagpur in 2011 was 25 lakh.
Most shocking fact is, after Delhi (71.4), Patna (73.2) and Indore (59.6), Nagpur is ranked fourth in the country based on the rate of violent crimes reported by NCRB. It again tops the list in Maharashtra. The rate of violent crime in Pune was 37.6 while 26.8 was recorded in Mumbai in the same period.
The violent crime cases are showing an upward trend in Nagpur. In 2021, the City police registered 1,409 violent crime cases while the city saw 1,228 and 1,361 cases in 2020 and 2019, respectively. The violent crime cases includes severe body offences -- Murder, Attempt to murder, Dowry deaths, Foeticide, Infanticide, Culpable homicide not amounting to murder, Grievous hurts,
In 2021, Nagpur reported a whopping 95 murders and 119 attempts to murder, followed by six cases of culpable homicide not amounting to murder and three cases of grievous hurt. The number of murder cases in Nagpur is lesser than Pune, which has recorded 100 murders, and Mumbai with 162. But murder rate of Nagpur (3.8) is much greater than Mumbai (0.9) and Pune (2.0) as population base of the two major Maharashtra cities is much bigger as compared to the Second Capital.
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