Sports Reporter
THE duo of Pradeep Tiwari and Siddhant Gawai led a host of players with three points each at end of Round Three of 5th Khasdar Krida Mahotsav Nagpur District Open Chess Tournament on Monday.
On top board, Tiwari got the better of Yashaswi Bhosale while Gawai beat Rudraksh Borkar on the second board.
Other winners (top ten boards only), who kept their slates clean include — AGM Shiva Iyer, Dishank Bajaj, Himanshu Jethwani, Pramod Dhamgaye, Jay Sawalakhe, Vidhi Mishrikotkar, Shraddha Bajaj and Sai Sharma.
Basketball begins YOUTH inter-club basketball championship of Khasdar Krida Mahotsav Season 5 began at the courts of Hanuman Nagar Krida Mandal and Players Basketball Gymkhana, Gadikhana simultaneously on Monday.
The tournament at HKM was inaugurated by MLA Mohan Mate in presence of KKM Convenor and former Mayor Sandip Joshi and Sudhir Dive. On the occasion Secretary of Maha Basketball Association Shatrughna Gokhale, NDBA Secretary Bhavesh Kuchanwar, Working President Pranay Ghate, Vasant Shirpurkar, Sandip Selukar and others were present. Deaven Dasture conducted the proceedings. In early round matches, (Boys) ABC bt ESKM-B 51-24; NASA bt PBG B 41-2; UBA bt PKM 43-34. (Girls) DKM bt Spartan 39-4.
SKM record close win SAI Krida Mandal (SKM), Nagpur recorded a narrow one-point win (16-15) over Vidyarthi Yuwak Krida Mandal (VYKM) Durganagar in Vidarbha-level kabaddi meet at Divisional Sports Complex in Mankapur. Maratha Lancers and Sai Krida Mandal, Ramkek men also registered wins.