‘Rashtriya Nawajagaran Party will be a strong third political option in State’
   Date :15-Oct-2023
Rashtriya Nawajagaran Party 
Staff Reporter
An important meeting of Rashtriya Nawajagaran Party was held to discuss future strategy for ensuing Assembly elections. Addressing the meeting, National President D P Dubey said the party will contest elections on all 230 Assembly seats of Madhya Pradesh with ‘Fabbara’ (fountain) election symbol. He said people of Madhya Pradesh are trapped in the dilemma of BJP and Congress for last 67 years and they will now have their own election symbol. A party has been found which will become a strong third political option in the State. He said the party has been registered by the Election Commission of India and has been allotted the Fabbara election symbol. The party has been formed by very senior retired officers/employees of Madhya Pradesh which includes senior officers from various departments. It has been formed to give an opportunity to the deprived, exploited, educated young unemployed, farmers, laborers and women to come forward in politics.
The family members of about 10 lakh employees of the State and about 1.13 crore senior citizens will contest elections by appointing such people of good image as candidates who will make politics a real medium of public service by removing money power, muscle power and powerful criminals from politics. Dubey said it was unanimously decided that the elections will be contested by giving 40 percent seats to educated unemployed youth and women and 20 percent seats to other sections. Willing and capable pensioners and senior citizens will also be fielded in the elections if necessary.
He said efforts will be made that instead of contesting the elections themselves, pensioners and senior citizens will identify suitable candidates of impeccable image for the Rashtriya Navajaganar Party and recommend them as party candidates. To make them win, we will contact every house and do publicity with full capacity. Former Deputy Secretary Madhya Pradesh Assembly and National President DP Dubey, State those attended the meeting were Executive President G D Barodiya, General Secretary Surendra Sthapak, Treasurer R C Shukla, Senior Vice President R C Mishra, Secretary Engineer Prasanna Jain and others.