AIR Marshal Sadhna Saxena Nair on Monday took charge as the Director General Hospital Services (Armed Forces), becoming the first woman officer to hold the prestigious post, IAF officials said. She is effectively only the second woman officer who has served throughout in the Indian Air Force to be promoted to the rank of Air Marshal, they said.
The first woman officer to achieve this was Air Marshal Padma Bandopadhyay (Retd). Air Marshal Sadhna Saxena Nair took over as the Director General Hospital Services (Armed Forces) on promotion to the rank of Air Marshal today, said a brief readout released by the IAF.
The Director General Hospital Services (Armed Forces) is considered a prestigious position that is part of the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS). Air Marshal Sadhna is the wife of Air Marshal KP Nair (Retd). The Nairs also happen to be the first and only Air Marshal couple in the IAF. She has the unique distinction of being a daughter and sister of IAF doctors and of being a wife and mother of IAF fighter pilots. Three generations of her family have served in the IAF over the last seven decades.
Air Marshal Sadhna graduated from the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune and was commissioned into the IAF in December 1985. She holds a postgraduate degree in Family Medicine and has undergone a two-year training programme in Medical Informatics at AIIMS, New Delhi. Air Marshal Sadhna trained abroad in CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) warfare and in Military Medical Ethics. She was the first and only woman Principal Medical Officer of Western Air Command and Training Command.